'A Year of Conversations| Fashion Over 50'

'A Year of Conversations| Fashion Over 50'
49:35 Mar 19, 2023
'Join Kwanza as she welcomes her guest Zenja Stallworth as they talk about Fashion Over 50  About Girlfriend Therapy, Inc: The purpose of Girlfriend Therapy Ministry is to impart Spiritual health, wellness, and wholeness into women so they can impart it into their families and their communities. We believe that it is important for individuals to be invested in their spiritual health and wellness and Girlfriend Therapy Ministry is positioned to aid in just that. Through consistent engagement and messaging, Girlfriend Therapy Ministry seeks to ENCOURAGE, EDUCATE, EMPOWER, EDIFY, and ESTEEM women in and through the Word of God. Our goal, to help women to be all that God has designed them to be without apology or compromise.  About Kwanza: Kwanza is an Author, Conference Host, Speaker, Radio Host, and Podcaster. She is the Founder and Director of Girlfriend Therapy®, Inc. a ministry designed to educate, edify, encourage, esteem, and empower women through the truth of God’s word. Kwanza is the Author of No Greater Love (fiction, 2009), According to Your Faith Be It Unto You (non-fiction, 2012), Reflections of a Life Well Lived (memoir, 2020), My Hair (children’s book 2020) and the illustrator of Beautiful Garden (Adult coloring book, 2020). Kwanza brings a refreshing and relatable approach to ministry.  Subscribe to Girlfriend Therapy Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMqSCfJGPXPdHHDf4NIaTAA?sub_confirmation=1  FOLLOW US: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Girlfriendtherapyinc Twitter: https://twitter.com/grlfrndthrpy Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Girlfriendtherapyinc Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/girlfriendthera/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/girlfriend-therapy-2685b2126 Website: www.girlfriendtherapy.org Email: [email protected]  A Year of Conversations is a special Podcast series created to Empower, Educate, Encourage, Esteem, and Edify women through our testimonies and shared experiences. This is Girlfriend Therapy personified!' 

Tags: #fashionover50 , #Women , #empowerment , #womenempowerment , #encourage , #esteem , #womenminsitry , #edify , #educate , #Kwanza , #Girlfriendtherapy , #womenCEOs , #womensministry , #Girlfriendtherapychannel , #Girlfriendtherapyministry , #fashionoverfifty

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